Monthly Archives: December 2014

Merry Christmas, etc.



Ever have the perfect photo all set up and you close your eyes at the last second? I hate that. Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus from Los Wilkins to you!

Neighborhood Holiday Party



I know a guy in the neighborhood that I’ve introduced myself to at least three times, just not over a period of over 70 years. I guess some people just have problems with recognition. (Not trying to be overtly political, I just think that refusal of recognition is a weird state of affairs.)

Family Greetings

xmas2014_03The Wilkins are wrapping up another Christmas! Wishing all of you a merry holiday/cold time of year!


Moose Mugs



As Adam and I enjoy some eggnog and discuss the holiday season, we hope you find some time to spend with your family.

Happy Elf Days



Berkeley is enjoying his favorite holiday meal, we hope you are doing the same.

Pennsylvania Friend

I always thought this slogan was a little ominous.

Suburban Bad Boy


Facebook of the Future



I have seen the future and I’m coming back… once I catch my breath.