Category Archives: photo

2020 in a Nutshell

Happy Holidays and our best for the new year.

Dear Zippy Loan

Dear Zippy Loan,

You may want to consider a different slogan since you are called Zippy Loan.


Instead of “Borrow from a trusted resource” how about “Get yer loans real quick” or something along those lines.

Just an idea.


Merry Christmas, etc.



Ever have the perfect photo all set up and you close your eyes at the last second? I hate that. Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus from Los Wilkins to you!

Family Greetings

xmas2014_03The Wilkins are wrapping up another Christmas! Wishing all of you a merry holiday/cold time of year!


Moose Mugs



As Adam and I enjoy some eggnog and discuss the holiday season, we hope you find some time to spend with your family.

Happy Elf Days



Berkeley is enjoying his favorite holiday meal, we hope you are doing the same.

Family Ties

Remember that season of Family Ties when Paul Ryan was dating Mallory?