Monthly Archives: January 2013

Daddy’s Stitch


My Favorite Albums of 2012

I know the second a commit to write a list I immediately want to change it but sometimes you just have to let these things go.

I’ve included a video from one of the songs from each release because… that’s what we do now. A picture of the album cover just isn’t enough, is it?

(Hmmm. Maybe not so coincidentally, I saw all of these artists perform live during 2012.)

10. Willis Earl Beal – Acousmatic Sorcery

9. Damien Jurado – Maraqopa

8. The Mountain Goats – Transcendental Youth

7. David Byrne & St. Vincent – Love This Giant

6. The Twilight Sad – No One Can Ever Know

5. Shearwater – Animal Joy

4. Alabama Shakes – Boys & Girls

3. Menomena – Moms

2. Father John Misty – Fear Fun

1. Sharon Van Etten – Tramp

(This last video is somewhat NSFW.)

Max: Oh, yes, I’m a big music lover. Would you believe that I once listened to three weeks of Beethoven? Would you believe it? Three weeks!
Villain: I find that quite hard to believe.
Max: Would you believe (thinks a while) two weeks of Bach?
Villain: I don’t think so.
Max: Would you believe… one hour of Looney Tunes?

Trillion Dollar Coin Designs

Some economists are advocating that a single trillion dollar commemorative platinum coin be made and deposited in order to avoid a new government default if the debt limit is not raised in the next two months. (Seriously. No, seriously.) There are no design rules aside from the fact that the coin must be platinum.

Here are some proposed designs in case this coin gets minted.



Another superhero with dubious but well-appreciated powers.micromedia

Wrong Bora

Women think that men at bad at planning. That is not necessarily true. Bad at listening.


Nice Fielding

I often use voice recognition software on my phone to take dictation when I have a cartoon idea. More often than not the software seems to have a much different sense of humor than I do. I thought I’d let the software have a crack at this one.nice-fielding